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5 Kitchen Organizational Hacks

How organized is your kitchen?

If there’s one place organization matters, it’s the kitchen. For most people, it’s not just the place where meals are prepared, but it’s also where friends and family gather. It’s easy for the kitchen to become cluttered with kitchen tools and gadgets, making it less functional and less welcoming. Are you ready to level up your kitchen organization game? We have expert advice to make it happen. Check out these kitchen organizational hacks to make your kitchen the most organized, functional space in your home!

Five Top Kitchen Organizational Hacks

  1. Clear out the clutter. Before you can organize your kitchen, you will need to get rid of the things you don’t need. Clear out expired or unused food, get rid of mismatched plastic containers, and be brutally honest with yourself about the kitchen gadgets you don’t need or use. While you’re at it, find new storage space for all those special occasion items, like holiday trays and that sno-cone maker.
  2. Make the most of your cabinets. It’s easy to get in the habit of shoving everything into your cabinets, stacking them haphazardly, or shoving things to the back, where they’re inconvenient to access. Instead of doing this, use clever storage organizers, like stackable shelves, a lazy Susan, or vertical tray holders. Store things you use the most on the lower shelves, keep things you need less frequently higher up, and consider downsizing if you find your cabinets are still overcrowded.
  3. Maximize your pantry space. How can you make your pantry more functional? Once you’ve cleared it of all the expired items and things you won’t eat, do some careful thinking about what needs to be the most accessible. Create divided sections, organize items by type, and use containers to keep everything in its own space.
  4. Use drawers to make what you need easy to find. Most kitchen design focuses on storing things primarily in cabinets, but if you are refreshing your kitchen, consider the benefits of drawers. You can use deep drawers to hold storage containers or dishes, divided drawers to store your tea or spices, vertical drawers to hold kitchen utensils, and more. When you store things in drawers, it is easy to see what you have and easily grab it when you need it.
  5. Customize your space to work for you. When it comes to kitchen organization, one size does not fit all. Premade organizers are not likely to fit perfectly into your drawers and cabinets, and it’s nearly impossible to find something mass-manufactured that is specifically made for what you need to store. Think outside the standard organizers and inserts, to create something that holds your things and meets your needs.

Design an Organized Kitchen with We Do Kitchens 2

When you’re ready to update your kitchen, calling for a professional kitchen remodel is simple with We Do Kitchens 2. With over 100 years of combined design experience, our locally owned and operated business uses only the best products and techniques to deliver the remodeling services our customers deserve. We’ve built our reputation on providing the upgrades and styles our customers want, with stunning results and exceptional service. Further, we’re known as leaders in the remodeling industry, members of the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI), and accredited by the Better Business Bureau. Our company holds the licenses, credentials, and insurance necessary to get each job done right, and we work hard to follow NARI’s Code of Ethics and build strong relationships with our customers, suppliers, and vendors. To learn more about what We Do Kitchens 2 can do for you, visit our showroom in Greenfield, WI, call 414-509-1450 for a free in-home visit with a professional designer, or contact us through our website.

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