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Rely On Us for Help Remodeling Your Kitchen Countertops

If you’re looking for a way to improve the looks of your kitchen while increasing the value of your home, look no further than new kitchen countertops. At We Do Kitchens 2, we take pride in offering homeowners throughout Milwaukee, WI, unrivaled kitchen remodeling services. When you partner with us, you’ll work with our experienced design professionals to help you select the best countertop for your remodeling package. Don’t hesitate to reach out to schedule your free estimate today!

Kitchen Backsplash Remodels in Milwaukee,WI

Discover the Best Material for Your Kitchen Countertop

We Do Kitchens 2 offers the best quality countertops to fit any style and taste that fits within our $20,995 remodeling package starting price. Each team member has plenty of experience working with all countertop materials, including granite, quartz, and laminate. Our customers deserve the best, so we only carry the best. Take a look at some of the most common kitchen countertop materials we offer, including:

  • Granite – This most popular kitchen countertop material on the market. Granite is a durable and affordable material that boasts a unique look, ensuring no two countertops look alike.
  • Quartz – Quartz is a popular material available in several colors and styles. With quartz, you gain unrivaled durability and nearly maintenance-free material that gives as much as it takes.
  • Solid Surface – If you want to get the most out of your countertops, look no further than solid surface kitchen countertops. Solid surfaces boast durability, reduced bacteria growth, and ease of maintenance and repairs at an affordable price.
The classic view of kitchen at Greenfield, WI

Explore the Benefits of New Countertops

Investing in new countertops can reinvent your space while adding value to your home. Your kitchen is where you cook all your meals and entertain guests, so it’s essential to have countertops to keep up with your lifestyle. We’ve compiled a list of some of the best benefits of installing new kitchen countertops, including:

  • More Cooking Space – By remodeling and replacing your kitchen countertops, you can give yourself more space to prep food and make meals that everyone will love.
  • Improved Safety – When you remodel your kitchen countertops, we’ll help you improve your kitchen’s safety by removing blind spots and making everything flow better.
  • Improved Home Value – Kitchen remodels are one of the most significant investments any homeowner can make. If you’re looking to sell your home, kitchens are among the first things any potential buyer looks at. Ensure yours is stunning.

Our Countertop Installation Process

Regardless of whether you’re looking to add extra counter space to your kitchen or looking to economically upgrade your existing kitchen, the We Do Kitchens 2 team is here to help, every step of the way. While the process may vary depending on the material, our team doesn’t sacrifice any quality. Here is our installation process:

  • Our team will start by laser measuring your kitchen. This ensures your countertops fit perfectly.
  • On installation day, we’ll remove your old countertops and ensure the cabinets are ready to support the new ones.
  • We start by dry-fitting sections to ensure a safe and secure permanent placement.
  • Once the counters are securely placed, we’ll start by cutting out space for your countertops, appliance, and other features.
  • When everything is in place and all cutouts are made, we’ll start to secure your new countertops.
  • Lastly, we’ll place the finishing touches, including caulking where needed and polishing your new countertops.

Schedule Your Countertop Remodel Today

The We Do Kitchens 2 team takes pride in offering our customers the best-looking countertops possible without going over our determined budget. We have access to a variety of countertop options that can fit any package detail. Further, you’ll work alongside our experienced design professionals to ensure each remodeling aspect meets your needs. If you’re ready to find your new kitchen, give our team a call to schedule your free estimate.

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