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Kitchen Backsplash Remodels in Milwaukee, WI

Remodeling a kitchen is rarely a straightforward process. After all, there are lots of moving pieces to any extensive remodel—managing contractors, scheduling installations, and so much more. With our kitchen remodel package, we won’t forget the smaller details. Backsplashes are often overlooked, but they go a long way to elevating a kitchen. These features are an effortless way to add personality to space and enhance your home’s value. The team at We Do Kitchens 2 loves helping Milwaukee, WI residents choose the ideal materials and design for their kitchen backsplashes. Find out more about this remodeling investment.

Kitchen Backsplash Remodels in Milwaukee,WI

What Is a Kitchen Backsplash?

A kitchen backsplash is a design element often installed behind the sink area. Simple backsplashes might be monochromatic tiles laid out in a uniform pattern, while more extravagant designs might involve bright colors and mosaic pieces. There is no shortage of design options for your kitchen backsplash remodel!

Why Is a Backsplash Important in Your Kitchen?

At first glance, a backsplash is little more than a design element. However, it’s a design element that can afford you a world of benefits. If you started your kitchen remodel asking, “backsplash, or no backsplash?” allow us to present some benefits of installing one. Here’s why we recommend investing in a backsplash:

  • Add Personal Flair: While you might be remodeling your kitchen to improve its function, remember that interior design is really all about personality. Your home should be a reflection of you, so don’t be afraid to add a personal touch via a colorful backsplash.
  • Increase Home Value: A well-designed backsplash can be a major selling point for home buyers. If you’d like to increase your home value, installing a backsplash is a great way to get a return on your investment.
  • Minimize Water Damage: Backsplashes add an extra layer of protection from moisture and mold. Talk about beautiful and functional!

Get Design Inspiration

Designing a backsplash is lots of fun, but it can be challenging to know where to start. At We Do Kitchens 2, our team of designers are ready to help you create the perfect backsplash for your kitchen remodeling package. We can come up with simple subway tiles or intricate mosaics. Our designs can be tailored to fit all of the following styles:

  • Contemporary/modern
  • Mid-century modern
  • Art deco
  • Minimalist
  • Mediterranean
  • Farmhouse
  • Tropical
Kitchen Installation process in Milwaukee,WI

Our Tried-and-True Installation Process

Over the years, we’ve honed our process for installing kitchen backsplashes. We begin with an initial consultation where you’ll let us know your needs, wants, and desired package details. From there, we’ll get to work finding potential materials for your ideal backsplash. Our team may ask you for a showroom meeting, then we’ll present you with a free estimate of your project. Once you sign off on the contract, we can get the remodeling process started. Throughout the entire installation, our team will keep you updated on your project’s progress.

Get in Touch With Our Team

Do you have a question about how we take kitchen backsplashes from ideas to reality? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team. The designers at We Do Kitchens 2 would be glad to consult with you and learn more and your vision. With our help, you can turn your kitchen into the most design-forward room in your house. Contact us today to request your free estimate.

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